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Experience Report Erasmus+ Mobility Praktikum with Integrity.Earth

Writer's picture: Integrity.EarthIntegrity.Earth

This experience report was written by our intern Wolfgang Mähr. Thank you for your dedication and support towards our cause!


Report and experiences of my Erasmus+ Mobility trip to Huelva

After a very comfortable journey by train, flight and bus, I received a very friendly welcome at the Hotel Familia Conde around midnight. Well-informed thanks to the expertise of a previous course participant, I was able to make my way to the Inercia Digital Institute by public bus after breakfast. My first impression was very positive and I could feel the openness in the group. My 5 "classmates" came from Malta. Teachers at art and music schools.

After familiarising myself in the English language setting, I was able to get more and more into the workshop topic, which initially seemed difficult to grasp to me.

Course details:

Location: Spain, Huelva

Course Title: Collaborative Work in Education to have a Successful Entrepreneurial Experience

Course provider: Inercia Digital

Duration: 5 days, 20.11.- 24.11.2023

Language: English

We were given insights into some digital tools such as Genially, Canva, Miro, Mentimeter, Kahoot and many more. We were able to put collaborative tools such as Mentimeter to practical use while working on the learning content. The insights into innovation cycles were of great value to me. What are innovative processes in general and in what structure do they lead to added value in companies, organisations and much more.

The greatest wealth of experience I have gained is from meeting and exchanging ideas with the other course members. On the one hand, exploring the sometimes contrasting life perspectives and experiences was very enriching. On the other hand, bridging the language barrier helped me to expand my comfort zone.

I travelled home with these treasures in my rucksack and am now looking forward to putting them to use during my internship at Integrity Earth.

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