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Community approaches for renewable energy.

Together with our partners cooperative SO.L.E and EuropAledro we aim to promote of community approaches for renewable energy in rural and remote European areas as a backbone for sustainable socio-economic growth.​

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For whom is REC4localEU?

The goal is to promote community initiatives such as renewable self-consumption associations in rural and mountainous European municipalities and to equip citizens with knowledge to participate in the energy transition. Our climate targets and growing government subsidies for renewable energy are turning the role of us citizens upside down: from passive users to active constituents of the energy system by the possibility to participate in energy planning, production and management.

There are challenges of various kinds, however, (e.g. regulatory responsibilities at different levels of government, a lack of understanding of legal aspects and administrative procedures, financial hurdles and building regulations) that hinder the implementation of RECs. Education and dissemination of best practices and information on energy communities are therefore crucial for the successful involvement of citizens in the transition to renewable energy sources in decarbonisation.

Our Activities

How can you particiapte in the REC4localEU project?

You are interested to co-design and engage in dialogue with other citizens and professionals in the field of renewable energy communities? Get in touch and join one of our activities.


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Open Event Liechtenstein

The first information event as part of our project has already taken place on the 30th of November 2023. In the community hall in Vaduz, citizens were informed about energy issues in residential and industrial buildings in short presentations. In addition, various energy consulting companies were present to provide citizens with free advice.

Energy Workshop Liechtenstein

In a small group of local experts and citizens the topic of Energy Communities is discussed to identify challenges and potentials in the development of RECs.

Open Event and Workshop Ledro, Italy

From April 12th-13th our project partners will host an open event to provide knowledge on renewable  energy to an extended group of citizens and to collect insight for the conception of our handbook in a workshop.


Interested in joining the workshop? Click here.

Online Workshop

In a hybrid workshop in August 2024 materials, data and information gathered in previous meetings is shared. This is serves as an opportunity to formulate renewable energy strategies that the local communities can implement.



The final material product will be a handbook outlining challenges, potentials and best practices for the implementation of Energy Communities. The handbook will be presented at a final event in October 2024 held in Liechtenstein.

We empower citizens to participate in the transition to renewable energy sources through community approaches in energy production and usage.


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